Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I am wondering how to dillute 100% myrrh essential oil for internal use?

I am hoping to regulate my menstration.I am wondering how to dillute 100% myrrh essential oil for internal use?
Who advised you to take it internally? I would think that you should be able to get that info from that person.

There are nutritional supplements that can be helpful to you, you can do that research on your own. Taking Myrrh essential oil internally is not standard practice. I suspect that you have been mislead or that you misunderstood. There are at least 3 different varieties of Myrrh, only the Commiphora myrrha is reported to induce menstruation.

There are many other essential oils that are used to regulate menstruation and hormones. They are generally used topically. You can add them to the bath or apply them diluted to the abdomen. Use a high quality base oil, something light with a high rate of transdermal absorption. Make your dilution around 10%. For a small area of your body you can use a higher % dilution. You can always increase this, but please err on the low side initially.

Melissa, Sweet marjoram, Ravensare, Roses, Clary sage, Mugwort and Parsley.

There are other oils for use as an emmenagogic, or for menorrhagia. Please educate yourself on the indications and contraindications of each essential oil before use.I am wondering how to dillute 100% myrrh essential oil for internal use?
I am a certified aromatherapist and we do not promote the use of essential oils for internal use. It is a dangerous practice and not recommended.

Find a local naturopath in your area and have them give you recommendations for safe a remedy.

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