Saturday, December 26, 2009

How can the essential oil Rosemary be dangerous? Chemically how can it harm us?

Rosemary has a stimulating effect so it should be used with caution. Heavy overuse could result in nervous twitches or muscle spasms. There are warnings about using Rosemary during pregnancy, but there is little evidence of these dangers. The warnings stem from effects of one of the hundreds of chemical compounds in the oil, other than the Rosemary itself.

Hope this helps!


Edit: **Large quantities of rosemary leaves can cause adverse reactions, such as coma, spasm, vomiting, and pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) that can be fatal. (Found on Wikipedia - link is below!)How can the essential oil Rosemary be dangerous? Chemically how can it harm us?
According to wiki Rosemary has medical properties due to the organic compounds it contains.. For a medicine to work it binds to a receptor site, interferes with something or it improves the function of something due to the interaction of the compounds in the plant.

An oil of a plant fruit etc, in this case Rosemary, is a concentrated residue of the plant, ie with all the water taken out, no chlorophyll sugars and such that are found in plants. Such oils can use 100 of plants just to make a couple of mLs of oil. (Jasmine for example). Then rosemary is used as a medicine it maybe just be a couple of leaves or a plant, but as it is a oil it maybe a whole plant or several plants used.

As it is concentrated also the active ingredients'/compounds of the plant will be concentrated. Taking too much of any medicine will cause damage due to too much interaction with the biochemical process that keep the body healthy. Also in the case of some person will have an allergic reaction to it.

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