Saturday, December 26, 2009

Can you put in drops of tea tree essential oil in a face steam?

or will that hurt the skin?Can you put in drops of tea tree essential oil in a face steam?
Tea tree oil is great for the skin! It's antiseptic and anti-bacterial, among other things, making it really good if you have acne, little blackheads, or even any skin type. The steam will help open your pores and the tea tree will help cleanse it.

You just need a drop or two, depending on what you're using for the steaming. It's generally a non-irritating oil, so unless you have a rare allergy, it shouldn't irritate your skin at all.Can you put in drops of tea tree essential oil in a face steam?
Tea Tree oil is great for the skin, and as long as it's diluted shouldn't do any harm (although I've used it straight without any problems).
It should be fine.

Start with the smallest amout you can and add more if that doesn't irritate your skin.

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